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Generally, a workplace injury claim is filed three years after the injury occurred. As with most things in the legal realm, there are exceptions and problems to the time constraints. It should be noted that this article is not legal advice, and if you have questions about filing a personal injury claim, you should seek professional help from Deldar Legal Injury Attorneys. We’d love to hear from you.

What is the Statute of Limitation for Injury At Workplace?

The Limitation Act governs the time limits that apply to personal injury claims. Basically, the law stipulates that the appropriate Limitation period for actions involving personal harm is three years. The date ranges between:

  • the date on which the cause of action arose (for example, the date of the accident); or
  • the wounded person’s date of discovery (if later).

In circumstances where the actual date of the accident is unknown, such as for those who have contracted an industrial ailment such as asbestosis or mesothelioma, the term “date of knowledge” is used instead of “date of the accident.” These illnesses develop over time rather than on a single observable date. As a result, the three-year period begins when the injured person becomes aware of his or her condition. In medical malpractice situations, the same might be said. This can be a difficult area of law to navigate.

Is Your Case Time-Barred? If so, How Can You Prevent it?

The time limit is not relevant if you settle your case within a three-year period.  IfIn the event that you do not settle your case within the three-year period, you will need to formally initiate the court process by the deadline. As a result, if you were injured on August 15, 2021, you would have until July 14, 2024, to initiate court proceedings.  Your case can be continued as long as you start the court action before the third anniversary.

Is There Any Exemption to the Time Limit?

Kids and those with limited mental capacity have varying time limits. Instead of three years from the date of the accident, injured youngsters have three years from the date of their 18th birthday to file a claim. That indicates you have until your 21st birthday to file a personal injury claim if you were wounded as a child.

The laws that govern claimants who are subject to the Mental Capacity Act are complicated and necessitate expert assistance. Please contact us if you have any questions about how the time limits affect those who lack mental capacity. We will be pleased to address your inquiries.

There is also a lot of subtlety in how the Limitation Act is applied. Different time limits apply to varying geographical places — for example, accidents that occur outside of the United States are subject to different time constraints.

There are also different rules for accidents that occur on aircraft, and you have two years to file a claim.  If a person dies in the course of their claim, or as a result of their accident, the rules can differ. A lawyer can guide you in the best possible way.

Don’t Delay If You Have a Workplace Injury Claim and Time Limitation

It’s never a good idea to leave a case until the final minute. Past cases are more difficult to win, not only because documentation is typically more difficult to collect. Individuals who have been hurt in the workplace often put off filing a claim for fear of upsetting their employer and/or losing their job, exacerbating an already difficult situation.

Deldar Legal Injury Attorneys are aware of these concerns and can guide you on your best options – the vast majority of customers do not regret filing a claim. Accident claims are covered by insurance for all respectable employers, and a decent company will want you to be reimbursed for your injury.

If you have been injured in a car accident or have another legal issue, please call one of our professional attorneys for a free, no-obligation consultation.
