Seven Things You Must Do Following a Defective Product Injury
When you purchase a product, you expect the product to perform safely for its intended purpose. You do not expect that product to cause an injury. However, some products are inherently dangerous because of their design or because of the manufacturing and marketing process. Companies that make and distribute defective products can be held liable when those products cause an injury. These types of cases can be confusing, so you may want to consult with a Los Angeles product liability lawyer. Our Los Angeles product liability attorneys fight to hold these companies liable for the injuries caused by their defective products.
What Should You Do After Being Injured By A Defective Product?
Do not continue using the product. If you know an item is defective or capable of causing injury, but continue to use the item, you could jeopardize your ability to recover compensation for your injuries. In addition, you can strengthen your claim by taking these steps:
- Seek Medical Attention – As with any accident, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible for treatment of your injuries. You need to document your injuries for the product liability claim, in addition to preventing further harm or injury from a delay of treatment.
- Preserve Evidence – You need to take photographs of your injuries and the defective product. Making a video to support the photographs is also helpful. Write down everything you remember about the incident before, during, and after the injury. Secure the product, all packaging materials, instructions, and any other items for your attorney.
- Take Witness Statements – If anyone witnessed your injury, you should ask the witness for his or her contact information. Provide the information to your Los Angeles product liability attorney immediately so that the attorney can obtain written or recorded statements before memories begin to fade.
- Follow The Doctor’s Orders – You need to follow your doctor’s treatment plan and keep all follow-up appointments with your physicians. Failing to treat your injuries may also hurt your claim. The insurance provider may claim that your injury would not have been as severe as you claim if you followed the treatment plan. Therefore, you are not entitled to full compensation.
- Avoid Using Social Media – Do not discuss your injury or the accident online or on social media. If you file a product liability lawsuit, the other party may have access to your online posts. Even if you are not discussing the product, the information you post online could be used in a negative way during your trial. Discuss the use of social media with your Los Angeles product liability attorney before you resume posting information online.
- Keep a Journal to Document Your Recovery – Keep a journal to document the healing process, including photographs of the injury as it heals. Make detailed notes about your pain level, your emotions, how the injury impacts your activities and family relations, and any other information related to your recovery. Information in your journal can help your California product liability attorney prepare a pain and suffering claim for your injury.
Contact a Los Angeles Product Liability Lawyer
Product liability law is very complex and may involve multiple parties and federal law. It is important to consult with an attorney who understands product liability law and who has the resources available to investigate a defective product injury. Contact our office as soon as possible for a consultation with one of our lawyers. The sooner you contact an attorney, the better chance you may have of recovering full compensation for all damages and losses.