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If you are involved in a personal injury lawsuit in California, you should be familiar with the term default. The default can occur in personal injury cases. The courts enter default when the opposing side fails to respond to court filings. If the other party does not respond to the complaint, you can petition the court to accept your allegations as true and award you a judgment.

In legal terms, the judgment is called a default judgment. This is the same as winning the case. You will have a legally enforceable judgment against the opposing party if the other party defaults, and will be able to collect and get the case closed. Your California personal injury lawyer will be able to help you determine the implications of default on your case.

What Does a Default Mean in a Personal Injury Case?

When a party fails to respond to the first case filing materials in a California personal injury case, the court will issue an order. When a court makes a judgment, it does so because one of the parties failed to react to the court’s action.

If a party fails to react to court pleadings, they forfeit their right to participate in the case and submit a defense. A default judgment is used to permit a lawsuit to proceed even if one of the parties refuses to participate.

Is it True That Personal Injury Cases Default?

Defaults do occur in personal injury situations. They can even happen in cases involving big insurance companies. It’s critical to maintain track of deadlines and take action if the other party fails to reply to your notice to appear and complaints.

Serve the Defendants Properly to Achieve a Default Judgment

In a personal injury case, the accused must be given proper notice of the hearings and the chance to react. You must comply with the requirements to ensure that the other party gets a copy of the notices and complaint or is otherwise given reasonable notice that you are pursuing a claim.

It’s critical to work diligently from the start of the case to ensure that the defendants are aware of the proceedings. The court will not be able to issue a decision if you do not follow the requirements for serving. In the end, it will take longer for your case to be resolved, and it will likely cost more. A knowledgeable Deldar Legal Injury Attorney can assist you in properly serving the process in your case.

Make sure you respond to a counterclaim filed by another party by the deadline if it is filed. Failing to do so could lead to you going into default. If you are facing default in your case, an experienced personal injury lawyer in California can help you evaluate the deadlines and make sure that you respond within the required time frame.

What Happens if the Other Side Fails to Respond to a Personal Injury Case?

When the other party does not react to the notice to appear and complain, the default is not automatic. Default is something you must request from the court. Even if the deadline has passed, the other party can continue to file a response until you appeal the decision to impose a default for them. It’s critical to request default as soon as the time limit has passed.

The court may refuse to grant a default decision under certain circumstances. If your action is against the state, for example, the court must consider your claim before giving a default judgment. In addition, the court can only award a default if your claim is for a simple dollar sum.

If the amount of damages is unclear or you request something other than monetary compensation, a court must review the case to determine what the default judgment should be.