The Impact of Comparative Negligence in California

comparative negligence California

Navigating the intricate world of personal injury law in California can be a complex process. This is especially true when it comes to understanding comparative negligence. This legal doctrine can significantly impact the outcome of your case, making it essential to grasp its nuances. Deldar Legal, a leading personal injury law firm, is here to shed light on California’s comparative negligence laws and how they can affect your personal injury claim.

Understanding Comparative Negligence in California

Comparative negligence, a critical concept in California State Law, refers to the system that assigns fault in accidents where multiple parties may be responsible. Unlike contributory negligence, which bars recovery if the plaintiff is at all to blame, comparative negligence allows for an equitable distribution of damages based on each party’s degree of fault.

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In California, the rule follows a “pure comparative negligence” model. This means that a plaintiff can recover damages even if they are 99% at fault, although their percentage of fault will reduce their recovery. This system ensures that all parties are accountable for their contribution to the accident.

The Impact on Personal Injury Claims

Understanding the comparative negligence rule is important when filing a personal injury claim in California. It can significantly alter the amount of compensation you may receive. For example, if you are found to be 30% responsible for an accident, your compensation will be reduced by 30%. Therefore, presenting a solid case minimizing your liability is vital to maximize your recovery.

Evidence and Comparative Negligence

Collecting and presenting the proper evidence is crucial in establishing the other party’s fault under California’s comparative negligence laws. This may include eyewitness testimony, surveillance footage, accident reports, and expert testimonies. Deldar Legal can help gather and analyze this crucial evidence to strengthen your case.

Common Misconceptions

Many people misunderstand how comparative negligence works. Often, people assume they cannot recover damages if they are partly at fault, or their fault percentage does not significantly impact the compensation. Both assumptions are incorrect and can lead to misguided decisions when filing a claim.

It’s important to remember that even minor contributions to an accident can affect your total compensation, so accurately establishing fault is crucial. Additionally, some believe that admitting any fault will automatically negate their claim, which is not the case under California’s comparative negligence laws.

Under the California Code of Civil Procedure Section 335.1, there’s a two-year limit to file a lawsuit after an accident. This is critical in the context of comparative negligence, as missing this deadline could forfeit your compensation rights, underscoring the urgency to consult legal expertise swiftly to navigate these complex laws effectively. Deldar Legal has a proven track record of helping clients throughout California navigate these complex issues. Our notable experience allows us to act effectively for our clients.


Understanding California’s comparative negligence laws is crucial in a personal injury case. If you’re struggling with your case’s complexities or unsure how comparative negligence might affect your claim, Deldar Legal is here to help. Contact us today at (844)335-3271 for a consultation. Let our experienced team support you through every step of your legal journey. We can help ensure your rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

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