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What to Know About Filing a Vaping Injury Lawsuit in California

An uptick in vaping-related illness gained national attention this summer. There are nearly 500 cases in three dozen states that alarmed legislators at the state and federal level. A proposed ban calls for the prohibition of vaping products that contain flavoring.

Marketed as a ‘healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes,’ recent controversy indicates otherwise, not to mention that other injuries can occur when the vaping device malfunctions. If you sustained e-cigarette injuries, speak with a vaping injury lawyer in San Francisco for more information regarding your options.

Let us take a closer look at how e-cigarettes work, how they injury people, and what you can do if you experience a vaping injury:

How Does an E-Cigarette Work?

E-cigarettes and vaping devices use a heating element to vaporize a liquid, nicotine solution called ‘juice.’ The coil activates when you inhale or press a button on the device. Upon proper heating temperatures, the liquid becomes a vapor that the user can inhale and absorb through the lungs.

Vaping devices and e-cigarettes operate on lithium-ion batteries. In addition to dangerous chemicals in juices, e-cigarettes are at-risk for causing injuries when overheating.

Flavored Nicotine and Cannabis Products Contain a Damaging Chemical

It turns out that a chemical commonly found in flavored and cannabis e-cigarettes may be the cause for multiple reports of acute lung disease illness and deaths. Vitamin E Acetate is the chemical in question. Juice manufacturers use it as a thickening agent.

California officials are aware of 57 cases since June of 2019. While more research and information is necessary to confirm suspicions, lung disease is no joke. It attacks the victim’s respiratory function by filling the lung’s air sacs with liquid. Breathing becomes laborious or impossible, which may result in death.

Batteries and Chargers Explode Upon Overheating

Lithium-ion batteries can overheat. When they overheat, a thin film contained within the battery can explode or burn. E-cigarette battery explosions are so concerning since they occur within close proximity to the user’s face.

According to the U.S Fire Administration USFA, there were about 25 reports of fires and explosions involving vaping devices from 2009 to 2014. These explosions reported severe injuries that include burns, scars, and cuts.

Do I Have an E-Cigarette Lawsuit?

It is normal to wonder whether or not you can receive compensation for injuries that you did not cause. The best way to determine if you have a lawful claim is to speak with an experienced personal injury attorney licensed to practice in California.

He or she can review your case and provide insight and feedback during a free consultation. Bring as much documentation as you can along with a list of questions you have that need the attention of a lawyer for the most productive session.

Schedule a Free Case Review with a Vaping Injury Lawyer in San Francisco, CA

You did not deserve to sustain injuries when using a product that is allegedly ‘safe.’ Our vaping injury lawyers in San Francisco, CA pursue claims on behalf of e-cigarette injury victims throughout the state. You can schedule a free consultation with our team by phone at (844) 335-3271 or by sending us a message through our request form